antigrams (part 2)
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While we keep advancing in the study we are going to choose the roots that include some letters we have seen before so it's easier to understand the dynamics of the combination and helps further verify if the roles we assigned to these letters and the meanings of the previous roots conform with the new findings.
If a non-conformity is found then one of these options is true:
It's either the new roots were erroneously defined or it's the old roots that were erroneously defined.
The new roots have a different system thus the old roles we assigned to the letters from the previous root don't apply here, and thus we are going to have root-based or combination-based roles for letters.
The whole hypothesis is false and Arabic is not a constructed language but just an accumulation of random alterations that occurred over the generations that happens to contain some isolated cases of undesigned symmetry.
The hypothesis should be altered to account for the fact that the constructed part of the Arabic language is limited in quantity and thus should be applied to a specific group of roots.
The next two roots we are going to study are رسى (rsā) and سرى (srā).
One thing to note is that the way these roots appear in the dictionaries might be different, For instance, the root سرى (srā) is rarely written this way in the dictionaries, most of the time it's written in one of the following forms: رسو - رسا - رسي.
The letters: "ى" (alif maqṣūrah), "ا" (alif), and "و" (waw) are often considered interchangeable in these contexts, the reasons behind this are not always apparent, some of it might be just conventional, and for others, they are probably considered graphic variants and there might be some methodological reasons that we haven't explored in depth yet.
For our current draft, we will choose consistency and practicality while annotating which form to use even if it's unpopular.
looking up the meaning of the root رسى (rsā) and its derivatives it becomes clear that its meaning revolves around anchoring, fixating, and stabilizing something Therefore we assign "to anchor" as the meaning for this root.
looking up the meaning of the root سرى (srā) and its derivatives it becomes clear that its meaning revolves around passing, flowing, and traveling Therefore we assign "to pass" as the meaning for this root.
The opposition between these two roots is evident, as the act of anchoring is the inverse of the act of passing something from its current location, For example, a ship can be in either state, either anchored or passing and traveling through the distances, The anchoring terminates the passing and the passing terminates the anchoring.
Following these new assumptions, The interesting comparison to be made is between the roots we have studied before, mainly رف (rf) and فر (fr).
Starting with the root فر (rf) which we assigned the meaning of "to escape" and abstractly defined it as "to move away" from something, and putting that in comparison to the root سرى (srā) which we assigned the meaning "to pass" and we can abstractly define it as "to be in movement" we conclude that both roots share the concept of "moving", As for فر (rf) the move is made concerning an axis widening the distance from it. On the other hand, سرى (srā) has no emphasis on an axis, the emphasis is on the state of flow.
from that, we can conclude that the common letter ر (r) keeps the concept of a "move" present, thus we are going to describe the letter ر (r) as the letter of movement, we are going to assume that the presence of this letter in a root adds the concept of a move/flow/relocation either starting, ending or being acted upon.
Now as stated earlier the root فر (fr) also has the concept of an axis, here the move is being made to be distanced from something, This leads us to assume that the presence of the letter ف (f) adds that aspect thus we are going to describe the letter ف (f) as the letter of "axis", we are going to assume that the presence of this letter in a root adds the concept of a reference either from something or to something.
To further verify the assumptions we made so far we will go back to some roots we studied earlier and see how the meanings we assigned to these letters can get us to the right meanings of those roots.
The previous root رف (rf) which we assigned the meaning of "to settle" which we can abstractly define as "to move towards" and can be described in the following form based on the previous findings:
"to settle" رف = To move/flow/pass ر + Axis/reference ف
While for the root فر (rf) it can be described in the following form:
"To escape" فر = Axis/reference ف + To move/flow/pass ر
The logic to be deduced from both these equations is that the root رف (rf) which we identified to belong to the positive category consumes the meaning of the letter it starts with ر (r) as the initiator of the process and ends with a closure ف (f), In this case, we are settled when we moved to a new location, As for the root فر (fr) which we identified to belong to the negative category it starts with ف (f) as the initiator of the process and ends with a closure ر (r), In this case, we escaped when we are away after moving. For "settling" the move gets us to an axis/reference, and for "escaping" the axis/reference is our starting point that we move from.